SP4 Aircraft Engine Pipe Mount Assembly Large
SP4 Aircraft Engine Pipe Mount Assembly Large
- Category: Novarossi Rex R PLUS 213/FT Aircraft Engine, Novarossi Rex R50F Aircraft Engine, Novarossi Rex R528F Aircraft Engine, Novarossi Rex R60F Aircraft Engine, Novarossi Rex R61F Aircraft Engine, Novarossi Rex R61F SPEED/13 Aircraft Engine, Novarossi Rex R61F-C Aircraft Engine, Novarossi Rex R91CR, Novarossi Rex RFX-15TC Aircraft Engine, RFX15V, Tools & Accessories
This mount has proven to be the best option for many modelers. Holds pipe in rubber groummet providing a secure yet vibration resistant mount. Accepts pipe stingers up to 7/16" O.D.
Large Pipe Holder - fits all Novarossi and most other tuned pipes for engines .15 to .90cc. Pipe is held by the tuned pipe stinger fitting into the rubber grommet. This provides the strongest and most secure mount for the tuned pipe.