The Novarossi R50F and R50F-C with ceramic bearings were designed for a tuned pipe and manifold, sold separately. Order 40350 Manifold and 50350 muffled tuned pipe. Photo shows model with ceramic bearings. R50F is identical except for head marking and standard steel front and rear bearings.
Displacement: 8,29 cc
R.P.M. (max power): 18.500 RPM
Practical range: 2.000-21.600 R.P.M.
Bore x stroke: 21,94x21,94 mm
Sleeve: 4 ports
Rear ball bearings: steel
Front ball bearings: steel
Crakshaft: 16 mm
Carburetor: aluminium - 8,5mm - rotary
Glowplug: Standard Special (C6S)
Exhaust position: side
Starting: -
Weight: 476 g
Fuel type: 10% nitro
Novarossi Rex R50F Aircraft Engine
Showing 19 to 27 of 38 products
Novarossi Rex 11368 Aircraft Engine O- Ring
O Ring for Carburetor for R50, R61F̴Ì_and R60 series Novarossi Engines
O Ring for Carburetor for R50, R61F̴Ì_and R60 series Novarossi Engines
.15/.21 Prop Washer -
Fits R50F Novarossi Backplate
Fits R50F Novarossi Engine
For R50F Novarossi Engine
Rear Bearing for C50 series Rex Engines.
Novarossi Rex 02350 Aircraft Engine Cylinder Head
.50 Blue Cylinder Head for R50F Novarossi Engine -
.50 Blue Cylinder Head for R50F Novarossi Engine -
Novarossi Rex 21361 Aircraft Engine Adapter
Adapter for using manifolds and mufflers on the R50F engine.Adapter replaces round 3 bolt o-Ring tuned pipe manifold with an adapter that provides a 2...
Adapter for using manifolds and mufflers on the R50F engine.Adapter replaces round 3 bolt o-Ring...
Novarossi Rex 11358 Aircraft Engine Screw for Throttle Clip
Carburetor̴Ì_Retainer Screw for Throttle̴Ì_
Carburetor̴Ì_Retainer Screw for Throttle̴Ì_