The Novarossi R50F and R50F-C with ceramic bearings were designed for a tuned pipe and manifold, sold separately. Order 40350 Manifold and 50350 muffled tuned pipe. Photo shows model with ceramic bearings. R50F is identical except for head marking and standard steel front and rear bearings.
Displacement: 8,29 cc
R.P.M. (max power): 18.500 RPM
Practical range: 2.000-21.600 R.P.M.
Bore x stroke: 21,94x21,94 mm
Sleeve: 4 ports
Rear ball bearings: steel
Front ball bearings: steel
Crakshaft: 16 mm
Carburetor: aluminium - 8,5mm - rotary
Glowplug: Standard Special (C6S)
Exhaust position: side
Starting: -
Weight: 476 g
Fuel type: 10% nitro
Novarossi Rex R50F Aircraft Engine
Showing 1 to 9 of 38 products
Novarossi Rex R50F-C Aircraft Engine
Novarossi .50 engine is also available with ceramic bearings. This model has long lasting ceramic front and rear ball bearings. RPM increases up to 500...
Novarossi .50 engine is also available with ceramic bearings. This model has long lasting ceramic...
Novarossi Rex R50F Aircraft Engine with 10mm carburetor
A good choice for a powerful engine made to last for decades and longer. Features a 10 mm carburetor, not shown, without in-flight needle adjustment...
A good choice for a powerful engine made to last for decades and longer. Features...
Novarossi Rex R50F Aircraft Engine with 9mm carburetor
A good choice for a powerful engine made to last for decades and longer. Features a 9mm carburetor with in flight needle adjustment control. Use...
A good choice for a powerful engine made to last for decades and longer. Features...
Novarossi Rex 50359 Aircraft Engine Tuned Pipe
Tuned muffler CR5 for REX R57CR and R46CR engines. Can also be used with adapter, item 21461, for R60F side exhaust Rex engines. Also fits...
Tuned muffler CR5 for REX R57CR and R46CR engines. Can also be used with adapter,...
Novarossi Rex 36000 Car Aircraft & Helicopter Engine Exhaust Gas Cooler
Gas Cooler for Helicopter and Aircraft Engines Bright Aluminum Finish with Brass Fittings - Cools Exhaust gases to extend runtime on 1 tank of fuel.
Gas Cooler for Helicopter and Aircraft Engines Bright Aluminum Finish with Brass Fittings - Cools...
Novarossi Rex 50350 Aircraft Engine Muffled Tuned Pipe
For C50F and R50F Novarossi and other 50 class engines. Low noise. Manifolds available for Novarossi Engines. See model 50351 as an alternate to this...
For C50F and R50F Novarossi and other 50 class engines. Low noise. Manifolds available for...
SP4 Aircraft Engine Pipe Mount Assembly Large
This mount has proven to be the best option for many modelers. Holds pipe in rubber groummet providing a secure yet vibration resistant mount. Accepts...
This mount has proven to be the best option for many modelers. Holds pipe in...
R50F Ball Bearing 22 x 8 x 7
Novarossi Fuel Filter 34350 - CNC Aluminum for Aircraft, Cars & Helicopters
This Long Aluminum Fuel Filter is easy to access and service. The extra length ensures fuel flow, even with particulate build-up. Italian craftsmanship protecting your...
This Long Aluminum Fuel Filter is easy to access and service. The extra length ensures...