Novarossi introduces their most powerful engine - the Pylon 46. This engine is already proven in marine competition and now released for model aircraft. For years we have had requests for the fastest engine on the "Planet" and now the engine has been produced. The .46 c.i. size is the ideal size for modelers seeking to push their ship to max speeds. Match this rear exhaust engine with a tuned pipe system and you're favorite low drag fast aircraft and you have a winning combination. PlanetHobby offers direct mount tuned pipes and several tuned pipes and headers.
Available as a combo for increased savings and with a number of exhaust combinations for your airplane.
Novarossi Rex R46F Pylon Aircraft Engine
Showing 19 to 27 of 32 products
Novarossi Rex 50904 Aircraft Engine Tuned Pipe
Direct mount .46 unmuffled Tuned Pipe. Black - custom designed to increase power and performance of the R46F Pylon Engine. Direct mount to rear exhaust. Designed...
Direct mount .46 unmuffled Tuned Pipe. Black - custom designed to increase power and performance of...
08971P Piston and Sleeve and Rod Complete assembly for R46F Pylon Engine
Factory replacement part for R46F Pylon Novarossi Engine. Includes piston, sleeve, rod, wristpin and clips.
Factory replacement part for R46F Pylon Novarossi Engine. Includes piston, sleeve, rod, wristpin and clips.
08972 Novarossi R46F Piston and Sleeve Complete Assembly
Replacement Piston and Sleeve Complete Assembly with rod, wrist pin and clips.
Replacement Piston and Sleeve Complete Assembly with rod, wrist pin and clips.
New R46F Pylon non silenced high speed tuned pipe
Tuned Pipe for Pylon R46F Engine. Has exhaust flange to mount directly to the engine without the need for a header.
Tuned Pipe for Pylon R46F Engine. Has exhaust flange to mount directly to the engine...
Crankshaft for R46F Pylon Engines.
Novarossi REX 10371 Carburetor with 10mm intake
Two needle low and high speed rotary needle valve carburetor with a 10mm intake. Fits the R46F Pylon engine, the R57CR and can be used on...
Two needle low and high speed rotary needle valve carburetor with a 10mm intake. Fits the...
Muffled Tuned Pipe for Pylon R46F Engine.
Novarossi Rex 20157 Aircraft Engine Venturi Kit
R46F Venturi Kit with Spray Bar with 2 O rings and Needle Valve with collet_and nut. Fits R46F Pylon rear exhaust, front intake engines for...
R46F Venturi Kit with Spray Bar with 2 O rings and Needle Valve with collet_and...